
http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap the sky of limitless

Momentary, don't know how much absolute being clan superior die in his hand.
Listens to him a rant, the sky in of absolute being clan the battalion wither in succession, body ascend combustion saint fiesta flame, change into the dint of the blood general saint fiesta that the purple black solidified, integrate into square cold body, change into "dollar in the sky 1:00".
"Really seek dead!"
Bomb Long!
Absolute being clan battalion in, numerous somebodies can not tolerate a square to coldly kill, suddenly for a while, break an air attack, the strength crosses over faraway time and space country, one and other various absolute being country around the square Be cold to born and put out, put out and living.He thoroughly the package live and make his strength can not permeate to go out.
Square cold facial expression equanimity, stand to be empty, the step stepped the step of earthquake sky, the big hand outwardly explores to stretch and grasps to shoot every time, makes it a point to give° tens of thousands absolute being clan battalions to shoot to take to come in and smashes on the hand.
He the slightest ignores besieging of various absolute being country.
"Is damned!"
Numerous absolute being clan battalion in, some strong existence gnash teeth in hatreds, very anxious to square cold knife cut to kill and pick skin to go to a bone.Include that Hao celestial spirits emperor among them, eat the fairy clan absolute being emperor, Ren benefit natural span of life light absolute being emperor.
The absolute being emperor of these three greatest Xuans fairy classes, each Yao is empty to tee off various absolute being country, but the slightest arrestment not the square coldly kill, meanwhile, at their nearby, and then appeared tunnel in the time and space, again condescended to come three absolute being emperors.
An among those is one regiment shadow, exactly concealed deicide clan leader"the son of unreal" that suffered a los on the square cold hand, at this time of he, an arm has been already disappeared, the lance of drop blood also disappears a trace and shadow.The vitality has been already greatly harmed.
"The son of unreal, I tell your square cold very severe.You don't believe that stubbornly assassinate him, this bottom suffered a los."Eat the fairy absolute being clan absolute being emperor Be strange to say with smile, gloat over the disaster of others.
"Really is severe, no wonder that black Mo saint to imperial concubine in the sky say him hereafter is the jinx of absolute being clan, even is a sky, the jinx of field is still a Buddha boundary, Long Jie, various sky of jinx of ten thousand boundaries, all quite good at 1:00.The breathing on his body, have a kind of override at the fairy way on of breathing.Seem too the thou somebody turn a life time, and then seem to be not BE."The language of the son of unreal in have no the least bit motion, noodles' permitting is always one regiment shadow, his arm, gradually grew, still keep being one regiment shadow, and his hand up, also many the lance of one mouthful shadow.It incredibly is another fairy machine.
"The son of unreal, rumours in, you have the three people the saint sword, this is the second people."
A head of absolute being the emperor is big ability just a little shocked way.
"Is quite good, the one mouthful saint sword is called to dye blood, this is called a dark night, always no one can force my use third people saint sword, because see I the persons of third people saint sword all die."
"Like, useless talk doesn't say, again let square cold keep on killing like this, we the absolute being clan of a few tribes the battalion perhaps want death and harm miserably heavy, hereafter can not at falsely absolute being boundary neutral foot, be discriminated against by the another tribe."
"What to do then?"
"We cooperate and display the banishment of various absolute being!That one party that is cold to move to move to open here, exile fairyland the square goes and approach boundary battalion in the sky of limitless big world in, harm adversary through the hands of others, use a sky, the strength of the field to kill him!Anyway he is a sky,http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap, the big enemy of field and absolute being clan, we want to kill him, boundary in the sky even wants to kill him."
"Good idea, square cold this person is not likely to be killed.We didn't kill his strength now at least, and he kills an our battalions each time, strength meeting more increase, more and more strong, roll snow ball general.Letting him there fighting to boundary battalion in the sky is one stone two birds, it accounts."
Everybody absolute being the emperor superior , suddenly, constituted a big all of a sudden, round table the big up appeared purple aureate Wang Zuo, each absolute being emperor sat on Wang Zuo and all starts urging highest doctrine various divine of falsely copy, appear in the top, everybody absolute being the emperor superior is abrupt however sing:"Carry on lasting banishment in the name of various absolute being, to the existence of the improbity!"
Weng Weng Weng ……….The time and space is weeping over, the world is shivering, and the various absolute being professional makes a power.
"What is this ?Want to exile me?The way of end!Break for me!"Square cold mind in, appeared Jing trillion.He surroundings of the time and space incredibly start weeping over, seem will drive the whole life throw into prison generally.
He immediately of, teed off the way of end, break the banishment of this various absolute being, but several big absolute being emperors cooperate to display out of the Shu of banishment is matchless and arrogant, if is a common fairy, shot all of a sudden, immediately will exile in the nihilist of the abyss of time, is not likely to come back to earth any further.
But the square is cold this strong existence, at most be make him move to move a distance is just.
The various absolute being also has no much binding force to him.
Xuan ground in the sky turns, the square is cold but stands the center, absolutely still, teed off the evening of various absolute being toward the all directions.The of an in a flash, the dint of all banishment, all disappears, but he surroundings of the environment also produced variety, incredibly be without basis moved to move to open.
Just one instauration, haven't seen clear oneself be moved to move to where, air in, rain-storm generally big fairy magic, beat without basis, beat protecting of his whole body body fairy Gang inch inch cracked, turn for a sky, the AN in a moment wears at body up.
Incredibly that big fairy magic 1 wave connects a , never stop, and more and more fierce, beat square coldly to have the felling of a kind of asphyxiation.
The star road that the blood dyes, in the faraway space, numerous absolute being clan warrior and boundary battalion in the sky are fighting to kill.
The square is cold to see that spangle later on, completely substantial turn, seem gold color flesh and blood generally of limitless big world, also have a sky, the field opens of 1,100 gates, know, oneself is exiled where.
"Is damned!These absolute being emperor, incredibly moved me to move to the camp of boundary battalion in the sky in."
"Falsely fairy""true fairy" of the innumerable constitutes of battalion, billowing come down from the boundary gate in sky, the ant locust pest is general, the square is cold to still have never seen so big handwriting, whichever and ancient way door, big world, pull up 100 falsely fairy the above superior is an all wonderful big appearance and declare of 100 fairies.
But now, the battalion of boundary in the sky, these falsely fairy, the true fairy seem a slave, is the most humble cannon fodder, loss how much can't have the least bit deplore greatly.
The square is cold to is the boldness of vision that saw boundary in the sky for the first time, battalion all from falsely fairy, the true fairy constitutes of, every 100 falsely the fairy is got generally by five true fairies and set out a "small" strategies, but 1,100 small strategies, constituted the big of a .Fairy thousandsly and falsely true fairy, at the same time once the hand flick, to faraway Xuan yellow big world, even is the passage of absolute being boundary falsely teed off millions, is highest must, even ascend hundred million big fairy magics.
"BE who?The different intruded into my boundary battalion camp in sky, the shot killed!Soon and soon the shot kills!"
The square is cold emergence, breathing pound Bo, the rare superior's manner shook Zhe all directions, immediately aroused boundary battalion in the sky in the attention of many somebodies.
Depend squarely cold recent of a somebody, abrupt however drink a way, sent out to extremely kill of order.
At that moment, the square is cold and then sees, the space of the own party number hundred million insides in, fully have is tens of thousands falsely the fairy true fairy constitutes of strategies, towarded their oneselfs to send out big fairy magic.
Is each falsely fairy true fairy, all sent out several big fairy magic, the set put together and became the big current of fairy magic, in this big current, at least have 5,000,000 big fairy magics, bombard toward oneself.
Chapter 979 Qing pillar in the sky
Fully 5,000,000 big fairy magics, from the sky and decline, the square is cold to also arrive to can not hold up against, after all is a sky, field battalion, here falsely the fairy true fairy constitute of big big current in, unless the state arrived Gao the comfortable degree of generally big Luo of gold fairy, otherwise is not likely to escape lead a so many fairy to besiege.
However the square is cold in hour of danger don't fear to, the body becomes all of a sudden true Huan, the whole individual again launched comfortable Wang Fo of world and freedom of the strength of the wing.
The two greatest signs 箓 fairy machine, mutual combination, benefit by association together.
The fairy magic big current ends up in nothing in succession and all beat vacancy, drive

