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Two shining white silver .And the money are noble hall ,little prince that do not count ,his shares had been sending him out ... ... , relationresultShrimpZhu ?Jiuwanwanliang !!Nine hundred million? No evil is the huge figure completely shocked ,little can not see the money before the Lord ,although also know those drugs in this world will be very popular, but never thought that he should be so !relationresultSuch medicine,they are now readily can refine ten bottles of eight bottle ,so to speak ,his fingers move, can appear on Yiliang silver ?The world is too crazy ?As for so much? , relationresultAnd youjust sent medicine ,that ye bone Dan ,I have not started to auction .
Tang Yuanshen mystery :three little finger ,this is good stuff .You really want to put it up for auction ?relationresultFourth chapter seventy-first the trouble with Tang Yuan , relationresultIs not a pill ?That thing I have ! No evil disdain pie piezui : sell !The more the better ! , relationresultHave you I can rest assured, this ye bone Dan ,I named ,remodeling of skeletal muscle blood ,reconstruction ,instant advanced ,Hyun who dream of medicine !, how, cool ?Now our medicine Dan is not what Zhigui that words can describe ,to big brother you get this drug is really was too fucking amazing, two brothers out of the operation of the work ,I make painstaking efforts dedicated efforts, we produced the medicine directly into the public dream of God medicine ! , relationresultTang Pangzismile ,belly clap clap pat the ground ,be overwhelmed with joy : this drug ,I designed a line ,I see you ,you also own qualification :mediocrity and worry about ?Are you for yourself how hard it than peers to worry about ?You can also own advanced worry ?You still can not be strong to worry about ?Come on ,please take ,remodeling of skeletal muscle blood ,reconstruction ,instant advanced ,Hyun who dream of medicine !, ,,a lifetime to do that work, genius ,silver a day ,eat a channeling .
Come on ,what are you waiting for ?There will be ,God medicine was born ,only auction seven days ,no waiting, don your life leave a permanent regret ... ... How Good ? , relationresultTangsource feel oneself highly flattered to finish, I saw you moye eyes stared at their solidification .
T XS , relationresultDown the fat man you you you you actually also the earth ?Fuck !Why don tell me earlier? No evil grabbed his shoulder ,some with trend .relationresultWhat? What the ball ? Tang Yuan startled, then laugh : balls ,fuck ,I this is no way ,who the hell think so fat ?I don ! , relationresultThe amount of is not ah ? No evil disappointed sigh : but the * * * too talented !So there is a righteous ad you can think out !Do you really want to go to earth ,is absolutely advertising genius ! , relationresultAd? On the only so ,can sell things .
Tang source suddenly wake up these two words ,not disable worship is looked at you moye : you very much ,just a sentence contains the rationale ,brother you admire really is like river water off the reel saw you my heart like the winds in the sea surging , relationresultGrass !Cut the crap ,it how you going to sell? You estimate price standard a number rightly ? You little dumbfounding waved .
relationresultThis medicine medicine but also in Dan effect on those before the elixir ,in a two auction ,the opening price of five hundred thousand two silver ! Tang source revealing a black heart smile ,five handle head out :a preliminary estimate of at least also can carry five million two !Want to know this time auction please beam ,the only of the mysterious power family ah ,this is what they most need ! , relationresult no evil completely speechless .
Suddenly feel myself standing before us is a hundred-percent x Black unscrupulous greatly profiteers !Two tiny pills ,it has to take five million two pieces of silver price !Still two on their own, not how important medicine to know that in this world ,twelve money can make one three family comfortably over the first half of the year !relationresultThis time, * * * !Really good ! Tang source excited eyes are full of silver light : I never thought this day :comfortable waiting ,then just a few shining white silver :fuck ,did not think of money into a number ,but the number silver ticket , I now every day he counted himself hand cramps is really good !Every night I have counted again ,one is in the middle of the night ,too cool .
.. , relationresultYou great ! No evil rout .Never thought that one day he will be doing so speechless !If you really put the noble hall all income changes into the money ,seemingly without fully exchanged for money ,even if the eleven exchange ,even we exchange ,estimation can let the fat one evening on real slimming foot full N house money heap ,Tang source body if the number of the dead yet again at least a few pounds less !Let the goods cannot eat eat do not come back to that !relationresultHuh?No evil just think so ,suddenly thought of a help to Tang source slimming vast Xi approach ,the mouth was a breath of evil to the pole .
relationresultStanding beside him,Tang source sudden bowel sign a shiver ,seems to be what people are talking their ?Well, these days want to calculate their less ?The song break this master to protect themselves ,also care about other people out ?Fat man at twice .
relationresultWell ,fat man ,tell all participating buyers, this time in eight ,to be completely with silver or gold trading !All do not charge any !Auction time sequence delay of ten days ,give people enough time to mobilize funds ! No evil thought suddenly the ear has gold force ,or using other metals to the glory of the blood and then quenching it again .
relationresultBut alsocan let the said fat weight loss ,... Small shrimp? Cash transaction ?Gold ? Tang source halo : three ,you want to do this ?The big one .relationresultI have abig, just do as I say !No evil serious road .
relationresultWell,you certainly have your way ,I down fat puzzled ,but still a promise .But I said three less ah ,you have to help me .relationresultWhatrelationresultNotcut corners that bitch .
Ahhh ,you don ,I give you my pills ,is to take the kind of woman ,Bie Xiaomei retained the half bottle of then this time has finished but finished the question arose Tang source sigh deeply .
relationresultWhatit ?Do have a side effect ?Jun Jia evil spirits up in a hurry ,the Tang Dynasty source like this, should not what good .relationresultAlas,it is indeed very useful, that bitch now figure becomes seedlings each ,it can be compared with spirit dream princess .
But now the problem is face more ugly ! , relationresultTangsource tearless :three little. You don ,now, Bie Xiaomei ,it back to see the dead ,a powerful army ,turned off a million bold warriors !, this contrast ,let me too collapsed especially thinking she is my future wife.
the more I collapsed ... ... , relationresultTXS ,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, relationresultFace?What a difficult poison ?No evil wonder, the lesser Yin Dan best Ziyin beauty ,how will become ugly face ?This is great perverse .
relationresultIfshe is little ,eat a little something ,and then suddenly become more and more difficult ,more and more aliasing Alas ,it is difficult to say that .But since the eat your Related articles:

