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:"The legend class equips just, there is necessity robbing?"
What?Does the legend class equip just?There is still a necessity robbing?You body top in addition to weapon, connect a legend class materials to all have no ……not right!The this fellow is a typical satisfied man don't know that the hungry man is hungry!Somebody else body top but have the fabulous material of one whole set!
Don't think O.K., on thinking of, the public eye pupil son is all red to get up!The this kind of y ò u deludes dint absolutely more even strong than absolute being machine!Good at public also clear, this kind of special thing, estimate also only one leaf Zheng can use ……
Leaf Zheng slowly and longly opened mouth:"If really want the legend class equip …… you arrived my request, I didn't mind to deliver for each of you a……" y ò u it with the benefit, the guy of these Jie Aos would obey!
A piece a person?Is public in every aspect and mutually the Qu is a burst of, make sure this fellow be not after playing trick, immediately the face s è greatly changes, bad mercilessly rushed toward toward leaf Zheng past!
Northwest sandy beach breaks a ship side.
"Burst Chi!"Is blue and graceful strong finally unbearable one mouthful the blue blood sprayed out!
Blue Ya Ling frighteneds, in the eye be full of shockingly of s è!The nv person being at present, in addition to at the beginning and blue Mo Tian's the ji ā o hand of time once appeared this circumstance outside, this all how many years?Incredibly suffer?This is the first time that get into this all new world's come!This represents the ng absolute being essence of j ī to suffer!
"Cang Ao ……have never thought here, incredibly ran into so strong mankind!"Was blue and graceful strong to completely take no cognizance nearby blue Ya Ling, mumbling way, the cold light in eye gleams.
She excited, and feel exasperation.Ever since that time got into this world, she suffered from this kind of injury for the first time!The ng absolute being essence of j ī that hurts an enemy, this can not attain intentionally, the circumstances in it is more complicated.It is as irrelevant as real strenght.Must say relevant words ……the real strenght so being both approach very much!
The voice that the "is blue and graceful strong ……" blue friendship works properly was some to shiver.Even if can not get use to to this nv person at ordinary times, but blue Ya Ling know, she and blue Mo Tian are the support persons of young blue star clan generation!This time incredibly does the ng absolute being essence of j ī suffer?That devil is true of thus strong?
"Blue Ya Ling, you lose not Yuan."After vomiting a blue blood, blue and graceful strong ng absolute being of j ī also like a lot of.Just that mankind's assistant came, even if don't fear to, oneself can the ng absolute being essence of j ī suffer and really need to beat, affirmation will eat big Kui.The transmigration of soul contests a big match forthcoming, she doesn't think this time what matter.The team of blue star clan still needs her!
"Stop worrying, the circumstance this time is purely surprised, I will be you and your elder brother say feeling to those old guys."Old guy?The whole blue star clan young generation, also blue and graceful strong dare to shout so ……as for blue Mo Tian Yao ……he is basically lazy to take to manage those elders.
The words that hear blue Ya Lie, blue Ya Ling even if worries, in the heart is also a loose.The failure this time, even if she is actually true at of described the real strenght of the other party, perhaps punishment also can't light.Having no several individuals will believe mankind in have this kind of strong superior.But the words of blue and graceful strong openings, the others will believe!Especially she the ng absolute being essence of j ī suffer ……that absolutely deceives however those elders of!
Can be free from serious punishment, that nature is getting bester.Her blue Ya Ling again not is be subjected to Nue wildly ……
"However ……no matter how it is say, this isn't personal affair of honor, the responsibility should undertake, your end you undertakes.In the blue star person, can have no chicken heart!"The blue and graceful strong light way ,beats by dre studio hd, immediately, no longer realize blue Ya Ling and directly headed for transmission to order.
This news ……believe that blue Mo Tian will be very interested in!
Chapter 354 free alliance-degenerative abyss!
Fight Long Tuan, lately- established war squad king ride the wager war of large unit with blue star clan seven star j ī ng Englishes and fought Long Tuan's victory.***
This is a worth Z area player happy matter.In this ages, the ji ā o of of each area flows more and more, the feeling of honor of the players more and more strong.They know that at and the outside area player beats the time of the o way of ji ā , if the big area of oneself's place have no what take make moves of superior or real strenght, that will be despised!
Certainly, this matter just made common players many some leisure times talking that the property is just.They really don't know, the inside exactly took place what, even both parties three fight none of circumstances of number to know.Wager war, original belong to the secret of both parties'.If outside war Long Tuan doesn't declare, of the person Be basic to be not likely to know.
After Long She Dao's battlefield ends, the sky dragon waited a person to also comply with the surrounding to stay down and stipulated training time in every Friday sky.
As for concrete training programme, leaf Zheng just took out of time, but aroused some kind of salivas to fight.Naturally, leaf Zheng's training programme, these people are how to don't can accepts.
Leaf Zheng is after all also helpless, fight squad king ability isn't particularly power.All of plans taken out by him is the previous incarnations bring of mature war brigade training programme, can this is it happened that and can not say to the others, have to after company measured, n ò ng coming out of"castrate a version".
Plan in, the first hew away of is the part of "blocking knife each other".These guys can have no a training that agrees this kind of to have fantastic idea.
In fact, this leaf Zheng consideration not enough mature.This kind of training puts in his previous incarnation, that nature is very nice 1 kind.Can he has never thought, those carry out these planned war brigades, and all of the of teammate are together real long term life and death war allies!But, these guy ……even if they know this training method the effect for bringing, they doesn't agree as well!Noodles' leading long the thing pulling is getting tooer many here.
Making reference to bottom is still leaf Zheng's conflict toward of general situation dint understand not deep, some thing consideration not enough overall.
Anyway, concerning the training programme, discuss several days, finally just come to a decision down.After, the whole Z area was also finally and again calm down ……
As for Long Wang's business ……just after the Z area turned over to have a l à ng to spend, then disappear to have no Zong.Leaf Zheng in nowadays still has no the sky dragon to come haughtiness of the very influential andly!However, the front business of segment time also on the whole is let the Z area player remember ever and have so one personal thing.But three year ago leaf Zhengs' some"dead loyalty" resumed to come over again.
These all temporary don't lift.At this time, war one public faces of squad king all clench steamed stuffed bun.
"Do you want to walk?"The sky dragon looking at leaf Zheng and first peeps out a stunned facial expression.Immediately, the sky dragon feels a burst of headache.This guy, don't make people save heart at a time?Here just order next training programme, would the this fellow leave?And a leave be say need not take care of him, also don't know to when come back?
Don't say the problem of this"jilt a palm cabinet" first, can you order descend this training programme, oneself ran, what matter does this calculate?Don't say others, oneself's in the minds will cannot help but whispering.
Leaf Zheng ordered to nod, "H'm, I have to walk."The tone is very thin, but reveals a kind of resolute!
On listenning to this words, the sky dragon knows, this guy was iron heart ……
Saw the person of one eye surroundings, didn't talk, but the look in the eyeses all have some peculiar.
Leaf Zheng but is smile:"How?Think I am intentionally whole your don't become?Say truth in fact, that training programme, very big to your use, say, but is what nothing important is used to me."
Don't wait public go into action, leaf Zheng woulds be Ao however of way:"Do not answer criticism, wait you who have confidence and I a war of time, again say this!"
"……" Is public how.Don't say to is others, after one war in Long She Dao's battlefield after, connect the sky dragon looking at this guy is to more add of feel to deeply can not measure!Anotherly don't say, ability only and blue and graceful strong a war, this have no a personal ability peter top Related articles:

