
cheap beats by dre rth of the Forest El

Li Si is also very helpless, he is also in a hurry ,take the girl back to the hotel ,never had the chance to interview ,only know that she is a fairy ,name have yet to know, how he describes .
relationresult I from auction houses get out ,I was a spirit . Elf girl ,with her head on the cloak, revealing a pair of sharp ears, revealing her identity, it is a spirit undoubtedly .
relationresultSpirit? Elf girl ?Everyone is surprised ,on the mainland ,in addition to the elves settled land ,so it is hard to see the elves figure ,so everyone for this information ,it is very accidental .
relationresultRick the kid ,a hearing is the Elven maiden ,revealed his nature ,eyes emit green light, like hungry several days of goblin .Li Si that the kid ,frightened elf girl ,Rick poses ,like the elf girl introduced yourself ,kick on his butt ,take the boy out of the room .
relationresult is like this, do you think what is the situation? Lee Siyou little depressed ,relationship after clarifying, Li Si finally no longer subject to public pressure pressure .
relationresult How did you catch the auction ? Alice continued .relationresultElf girl hesitated ,began to introduce . My name is Ruth ,is a southern fairy tribe . everyone is listening to the elf girl Ruth .
relationresultA month ago, Ruth and a group of elves sneaking out ,want to come to the mainland to play, and in the south of a deep forest, they encounter the evil demon hunting team .relationresultThis is a myth times flavor deep forest ,cen days old trees a wild profusion of vegetation ,like northern spirit spirit of the forest trees ,but they are lack of well point reiki .
The elves of old trees ,are very high aura .The gnomes ,divided into North and south two people, strictly to distinguish words ,northern spirit is called the Forest Elves ,while the south is called fairy family .
They had the same tribe ,ancestors is the same ,their family is two generations living in together ,at that time ,the elves did not differentiate ,Continental elf only one race ,that is the spirit of the forest .
In two thousand years ago, the elves do not split a part of philosophy ,spirit .They also established a fairy family ,and the wood elves separately, they are south of the fairy race .
relationresultNorth of the Forest Elves are all elves origin ,so they have a lot of elves and fairies old buildings ,old trees ,legends, such trees can absorb the moon god ,supply the elves use .
And the trees, in the south of the fairy family, there is No .Ruth and their companions ,sneaking out fairy family ,in addition to want to go to the mainland to see ,very big reason ,just want to go north of the Forest Elves see ;while for hundreds of years, two people from less than two people ,it is not malicious, they split ,just idea different .
relationresultRuth and her companions didn go long ,from their settlements -- elf not far from the city ,they encounter the evil demon hunting team .This is a powerful hunting team ,dare to ELF territory hunting hunting team ,is not a simple thing ,they are employed in some powerful aristocracy .
relationresultThe body of the thirty-second chaptertarget goblin City , relationresultBookshop and updated: 2011-2-11 15:10:09 chapter number :3361 , relationresultRuth soon they and the hunting group fighting took place ,but some of them are young elves ,are not an adult ,and did not have powerful genie magic .
A few of them ,Ruth is one of the weakest ,a total of four individuals ,including Ruth, is five ,with three mages ,two archers .Elven magic ,is the wood magic ,Elven is intimate with the nature of race ,so wood ,affinity strong .
While the elves Magic Arrow ,is a powerful ,each elf ,is a precise magic archer .relationresultWhile hunting in the team also has five people, four of them are Dajianshi more strength ,one is to achieve more primary juggernaut level ,while the sorcerer ,also had great wizard magic .
Several young elves ,not these hunting molecular opponent ,the fighting began, they are in the wind .relationresult Ruth ,quickly fled ! A male elf exclaimed, want Ruth to go ahead .
relationresultRuth is among them one of the youngest ,the strength is not strong ,damage was not high, but here are just a nuisance . I .. Ruth gave a hard look ,asked her to leave Companion to run away ,which is not allowed .
relationresultAnother spirit ,to resist the swordsman Knight Sword ,her body was also affected by several wounded .Several of their genius can resist so long ,big reason ,those hunting molecular left hand ,because they need to grasp the living spirit ,for them, the living spirit value only ,they need to be a few pieces of the body .
Because of this ,several fairies reluctantly and these people drew .relationresultA young female elf anxious ,unwilling to leave Ruth shouted at . Ruth, you go quickly ,go back to report the queen .
If you are caught ,we will not be able to account for the queen . , relationresultRuth knows his stay ,there is no effect ,the final tears, to the elves elf city to escape .But the elves to see Ruth again ,face showed take death calmly expression, the elves seeing his escape hopelessness ,can support so long ,simply because the hunting team ,want to catch alive ,want to turn them into Elven slaves .
The elves do not want this happened ,these elves are proud ,absolutely does not want his body ,subject to any pollution ,if be polluted, no face back to the elf City ,also did not face life ,to accept the baptism of trees .
relationresultLife is the spirit of ancient source of power ,each wizard in the adult, are subject to the tree of life baptism ,said the elf adult baptism ,by the spirit ,strength will wait until the great degree strengthen, premise condition is ,the wizard must be pure ,is completely which the God of nature the body ,or the tree of life not able to complete the .
relationresultThese elves with the determination to die ,cheap beats by dre,each sprite released their final skill -- life tree .This is a unique magic fairy ,the burning of life ,access to powerful wood magic power ,in order to achieve instant magic ability .
Green glow emanating from elves ,they form a circle, the ancient spell from their mouth out .Pure powerful force of nature from their body exudes ,the final magic ,the power must be very strong .
relationresult Well, we quickly escape . Juggernaut captain also aware of the spirit this spell is fierce, told his teammates .But this time, the Elven magic -- joint life of the finished ,a force of nature emerged, there was an enormous explosion ,and next to the giant trees, also by the force of infection, these trees is the nature of life ,they would be subject to natural magic infection ,also in succession follow this array a powerful natural energy ,his explosive ,seems to hold take death calmly determination, they seem to have a feeling ,also feel these elves friends determination .
relationresultGet reminder of the hunting team ,early on the run .Unfortunately ,otherwise this array of explosive enough to make their life ,even the Juggernaut is not listed ,but they too fast ,had left the magic range .
But the magic power he Qiqiang ,around the trees also followed the explosion .relationresultThe shock wave from the elves ,surrounded by beautiful place ,even escape the long hunting Related articles:

