
Facebook how is she See

Ye Tao, skill is good, but in the corners to 190 will not dare to accelerate running for two or three minutes ,a huge roar came from the front ,three people be startled at , relationresult,the front like a car accident, this is not just the two cars ? Ye Tao suggested, to speed down a little ,move off in the direction of the accident , relationresultThe frontwas in a car accident, was two in illegal racing at the same time the red sports car open road ,hit on the right side of the hill, and then roll over, have become shapeless black sports car estimation is overtaking too fast ,too late to dodge ,the right side of the car tail smash ,across the road on two cars are no explosion fortunately ,or inside the cannot cure , relationresultLeafTaogang a stopped the car, and Lei Jia immediately open Xiao new out ,arrive near to their deep surprise, two cars are not people ,even the traces are not , relationresultXiao new ,how is this going ? Lei Jia QiSheng called , relationresultXiao Xinraised his hand ,indicating she was silent ,and then releasing afflatus ,with himself as the center to the surrounding diffuse ,a circle into control then ,ye Tao ran up ,see the wonders ,also feel very surprised a moment later ,Xiao new turned ,the finger right up to 10 meters cliff, muttered : someone above are fighting !If my guess is good, may be the two car owner , relationresultThat wonit .
Is it right? I dreaming ? At the bare cliff, cliff Ye Tao was unbelievable so high ,Facebook,even a foot and no place ,the two is how to go ?relationresultHe ispuzzled, but listen to Xiao Xin then said : you two wait here ,I go to have a look ! , relationresult(the end) ( to be continued ,such as for his funeral, please visit www**m ,section more ,support author ,support the genuine reading !) , relationresultThe483rd chapter volume six Mafia rivalry ( first encounter strange chivalrous swordsman of today more ,then please support !) , relationresultUpdate: 2009-10-313:47:01 chapter number :3601 , relationresultCelebrate thelabor day ,I still work ,everyone to vote for support ticket will do ah !relationresult-- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- , relationresultYe Taowas wondering ,see Xiao Xin came to the foot of the cliff ,and then as a light house lizard ,slowly climbed up , relationresultmy brother too powerful .
! Ye Tao is flabbergasted ,unconsciously rub their eyes , relationresultLei Jia was alsosurprised to prevent landslides ,this section of the cliff surface with cement ,slippery slip hand ,without any help from place ,did not think of Xiao new can easily to think of all his peculiar ,Lei Jia is very excited to learn each other half ability ,can put the national security that helps buddy all mine climb down ,outside go sideways no problem starting from tomorrow ,the girls try to practice martial arts ,not doing a useless vase !relationresultXiao Xinin order to speed up the cliff ,in accordance with the spiritual direction ,in the dark double-time today is really a coincidence, just and Zheng Hong play in the roadside a ,it encountered such wonders !Xiao new intuition tell myself ,the two men may know ,go not far ,he found just guess was correct , relationresultXiaonew Ningmou end ,saw the front light flashing sword ,aspect ,two figures were sword fighting ,issued from time to time, gold and iron hand hit the sound of the two person is a male and a female, but Xiao new eyesight and capture the moment force wins the ordinary ,can not see two people looks and movements , relationresultHey ,how is she ? See that woman ,Xiao Qi new heart each other are themselves in the island saw blue if the mind is the origin of the doors ,hidden in the Hongkong music scene bedazzle ,here to do what? , relationresultLook atthe man and the fight ,Xiao new does not know the person was tall and lean ,holding a peculiar shape of the sword ,wearing a black leather jacket ,wearing a black mask ,the eye nose cover ,can not see the real faces , relationresultIfthe same blue heart hands holding a sword, the sword of light energy such as water ,such as rainbow,cnn, skill is quite good her skill though inferior to the opponent ,but strange sword to make up for the lack of the night ,two handed sword strike project of starlight, feeling is very dazzling , relationresultAa dangerous situation like fighting ,two people move gradually slow down ,it is a few to hit, both sides seem to spirits disappear completely, coincidentally distance, each slightly breathless ,secretly conditioning messy inside information , relationresultThe surname.
What do you mean ?I and you are not my enemy : Why are you chasing me ? Blue if you nibble bitch angrily exclaimed , relationresultShowname man coldly with a laugh track: the magic door heart sinking you don don today you still hide it ! , relationresultIf the heartis not surprised ,blue like flowers bloom mouth issued a silvery laughter : show little you so good why bully the weak woman ?Although I was a magic door people have never done the things you don do things offensive to God and reason hard so hurt our friendship ! , relationresultThissentence is ambiguous in the development of surname man ,handsome face mask shielding or Shangdi red meaning must be exposed to cold channel : Syren was bedazzle you used for hiding from my eyes if you don get caught I won mention it beam ! , relationresultI won surrender to see how you a kind method ! Blue if the heart cries laugh a Chanweiwei to breasts make an attractive to polar motion , relationresultShowname men did not dare to look at his mouth uttered a cold scold again waved hands to the blue sword if the heart sting to blue if the heart although on the surface it has been prepared with a quick flick of the wrist tip produced seven lotus respectively to stab each other seven big cave , relationresultXiao Xinduois watching for a moment ,feel is amazed very pure to swordsmanship is concerned, blue if the mind practice is actually not much slaughter God ;this name show man surnamed swordsmanship is not better than the blue if the heart is poor, ability is far better than her ,just because of lack of experience, not only a long battle ,but by the other side gradually equalised ,once again come to a deadlock , relationresultIf the heartin the blue door what identity ,culture was so high ?relationresultThisexhibition surname man what is people ,listening to the sound seem to age ,seems to have reached the level of Dan Jin ,but the sword ,Xiao Xin never read ,so does not understand very,google, so can the other origin faction , relationresultTwo peopleand play for a while, show surname man appears very intolerant ,suddenly tongue inclining spring ,a sword light flash Sheng ,the blue if the heart shadow mask into them ,immediately get the opportunity , relationresultSwordhas the cloud: the Epee no front ,hope for new exhibition surname man with this move ,it is the famous two have a gap ,so that ,if the heart is not blue opponent ,left right clumsy ,was defeated , relationresultHowever,a centipede dies but never falls down ,dead but not stiff blue if the heart is born in the door ,in addition to swordsmanship ,strange methods emerge in an endless stream of seeing their disadvantage ,her right hand left hand into the sword back ,arms ,and pulls out a tiny things, while two people near , relationresultWill be in the handsof things thrown opponent , relationresultShowman surnamed reaction is slow ,swords into a sword, hitting the flying object ,who knows this thing in the air and sank a little ,again coming to him , relationresultWhat is this thing ? Show name man setting foot eyesight ,see the object is a back winged Four-legged Snake that sword is not fully employed, but the sword is extremely sharp ,even cut up it ,visible this unusual therefore ,must show name men had to separate the Four-legged Snake attack ,defense ,sword potential feel weak three points , relationresultAfour-foot snake ,blue if the mind quickly counterattack with sound . Related articles:

