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The absolute being blesses.See these soldier an absolute being head grimace today, don't know is where sacred, the heart livings a cold idea, where still resist it to read, hates mama Die little respectively launch matchless light to two legs achievement, the feet bottom puts on oil and a short moment disappears.
The Meng gets to sleep just fragrantly and smell disturb in the camp, on jumping to come to turn, lose a voice to call a way:"How to come to rob Zhai again,the Gu blessing is crazy."Flee into a Ta side, pull out long-handled sword, turn over the bed in body, rush into before the debt on seeing, get a shock while ascending, Nao Nao head, whisper a way:"The person is different from a person, is the cow different from a cow, is what demon?"
Then at this time, not the distance a head of crazy cow flows to fix attention on tears, toward him urgently rush since then, stand Cape and then stab.The Meng gets to greatly lose a surprised color, Shan to one side, the knife light is one Shan, the Meng gets left arm skin tunic drive opened an a son, wound and flesh, ascend seasonal delicacy blood long flow.
The Meng gets painful get one Lie mouth, the positive desire dresses a wound, but sees one strong man and greatly tread to rob up, flick knife to then split toward his neck.The Meng gets to flick knife one space and just wanted backstroke.But listen to every where shout a big, numerous destriers are from the all directions and hurtle into a camp, for head one member the female will loudly call a way:"The Meng gets to rest to walk!"BE exactly wish to melt.
The Meng gets not intentional love a war, together that strong man slightly on 35 rounds of Dou, sold a flaw, turn round and then walk, flash across indiscriminately bumping of two fire cows, rush a red hair cow place, one solution cow Jiang, fly a cow of body, once the legs clip, the plan cow then rushes.Wish the eye of melting the quick glance, see the Meng get to ride a cow to escape and cast aside foot soldier, the plan horse then makes track for.
The Meng gets to turn head 1 and sees wish to melt tightly make track for not to give up, confused and hysterical.Don't live of urge a cow to urgently rush, that cow's pouring is also very obedient, the Mou ground is 1, energy use to suck at breast, distribute four hoofs, lightning fast, then flee in the blink of an eye several Zhangs, will wish to melt to far and far jilt at after death.
Rushed to count an inside, look back or so, again already remain him a light pole commander, can not help sighing tone.The positive desire argues a clear direction and finds road to escape and flee in suddenly inclined sting one young tiger destrier, loudly call a way for head one member full general:"Thief Qiu dares to slight me Central plains person, let today you knowledge experience my means!"The person talking is exactly very bravely often mountain Zhao Zi Long.
Zhao Yun Zong is ex-, stand a gun and then stab right away.The Meng gets to hear to break an empty voice, then know that the strength of bearer greatly gets a difference usually.There is heart that want a higher descend, flick knife of horizontal, if the better arm encounters electric shock and feel a tingling sensation while ascending stiff,google, in the heart like ten thousand needle Zan sting, the ache is difficult be.Ma Niu's interleave, Zhao Yun Yuan's arm stretches to bend and then gets Meng to lift and tosses on the ground and shook the Meng get brothers to paralyze and move not get.Zhao Yun after death four big fellows robbed to come up, the rope tie~us Suo to bind, another time got Meng to bind one four horses pour to wear hoof.

The text chapter 216 is trouble breaks out at home
Renew time:2008-4-1110:47:14 chapter word numbers:5382

This place Xiang fights to also present the situation that a side pours.That thousand odd fire cow oxtail is burned, gradually have already continued to burn fart fart, crazy interest greatly hair, confused collide with, have many keep Tu to be deposited in.The flame of oxtail flees indiscriminately and give°ed the tent to order while ascending.The full campfire rises while leading not much, the light of fire is blunt sky, full of smog.
These eight take turns the card knife Liao D of 93 Dians originally the Meng get to borrow to come of, see on the of money, this just encourage be difficult for it of come to 1.Originally also intending to scream madly before is two, the long-handled sword film dances two times indiscriminately, confusedly in response to view, also calculate like this to the gold and silver jewelries that must rise Meng to get.
How anticipate a war haven't beaten, encounter the fire cow Tu camp first.These pretty soldier's of course not is Spanish bullfight private, have no experience of bullfight, and this cow looks absolute being spirit strange,Facebook, not often cow, which also want to get to work oneslf to the bone for Meng, the gold treasure having mercy on for that a little takes an old life a , really row not.Taking to the heels in succession is Semitic, not slice then spread clean.
When the Gu Ren Lu battalion arrives to of, also leave recklessly and blindly do Meng of minority to get the confidant takes a corner to resist stubbornly over there, not drive fire cow crest dead, be chopped down dead by the long-handled sword film, isn't a nervous breakdown, frighten the stool and urine together flow and kneel on the ground don't live to tremble indiscriminately, read a phrase in mouth, didn't know what, obviously crazy.
After, a hour's Gu Ren Lu sits at in the soldier big debt is wearing of beard bed on, the eyes don't turn to stare at ground to looking at to sit on his side of escort a debt madam and private secretary Zhen Mi, happy get the mouth is slanting, the saliva flowed 1 ground.
The Zhen Mi lets him sees a bit ashamed, dizzy living two cheeks, white his one eye, Chen way:"Is all person who directs hordes of troops and horses, also so falsely through."
The Gu Ren Lu way:"Let this time you come but have proper business, a short while those will get Be about to requite an achievement.You also know my word belongs to a contemporary exquisite article and carelessly and not and easily make people see.So this record achievement of small live, or be bothering a madam.Hey Hey!"
The Zhen Mi tooks a look the pen and ink paper of in front Yan, way:"Ha ha, this word hereafter when you are free still do well.Ten thousand soldiers of a chest Luo, machine's becoming matchless battalion teacher can't write and tell others to also really let person's joke."This the plum flower, arethusa purse one's lips talking 1, being signed to Zhen Mi after death keep smiling.
The Gu Ren Lu turned head white one eye is two slave girls, way:"Smile what smile, have what funny!Smile again to drive out you!"
The plum flower, arethusa smells the speech favour lay up smiling face and stretch tight face, in all seriousness, however the facial expression is really a bit peculiar.Gu Ren Lu appreciated them the facial expression for a while, is satisfaction very much, return overdo, say to the Zhen Mi:"Is alas, this not is have no time, sometimes definitely does.Say that my word still uses to do again ……"make reference to this to see once the Zhen Mi Qiao face sink, full is idea of blaming in the vision, can not help an old face a red, embarrassed tunnel:"Do, definitely do well.However this isn't the favour Yao, wait free of time definitely do."Heart way:"Don't test a form dollar again, the word writes so do what, Wei male small treasure a small word write be like that words son, be not as usual is a big officer, take seven wives, love affairs together sky.Lao Tze somehow go to university as well, this word will also thousand sons 800 of, however is all simplified Chinese of just ……"
Zhen Mi smile don't smile of looking at him, way:"Ha ha, have no time, that you see those a hideous mess of does the thing then have time?"
The Gu Ren Lu turns head to glimpse two slave girls and sees the ear that their smiling face is peculiar, once stretched a mouth to go to in the Zhen Mi silently the voice saying:"This matter you how literally spew out, this not is teach child wrong things,cnn."
Zhen Mi silently track:"Ha ha, do in luck to wait to all be not afraid of to teach child wrong things.You are dry to get those lousy matters, can can deceive who, they early knew.Want to notice next time, not can again so, much freeer do a word.The person who all wants to be a father, also so of have no a positive form."
Gu Ren Lu very embarrassed tunnel:"Definitely, certain.Definitely change next time."
Then at this time, wish to melt the money income of Fen Fen, lift in the hand of one person, downwards a throw.The Gu Ren Lu bends over to look below, but is meeting Nan, smiled to smile, then say to the Zhen Mi:"Record up, wish consumedly and capture alive pretty will meeting Nan!"Zhen Mi according to speech lifts notes like.
Wish to melt to hate tunnel:"Can only cherish to let the Meng get that fellow to run!"
Zhao Yun ha ha on smiling, way:"Can not run, here!"Finish saying to lift Meng to get to move forward money income.
The Gu Ren Lu sees the Meng getting and saying with smile:"Meng consumedly, well since departure?The taste of this fire cow Tu camp isn't pleasurable.Originally I was also an one good intentions, wanted to send to thousand odd to roast a cow before the tomorrow opened to beat the camp draft Lao draft is to you Lao, which know the nether person misinterpretted my meaning and give°ed the affair to mess up."
The Meng gets a Nu way:"Hum, kill and then kill, the grandpa is free from your amusement!"
Zhao Yun gets Meng to toss on the ground, Nu way:"Soldier in the sky arrives this, Wu from resist, really recklessly and blindly do.Military adviser, this kind of turns the person of outside and is unconvincing the truth with him, rather kill calculate."
Wish to melt to smile dimple such as the flower, way:"Good, good!I this drags along him to the father before working properly and peels Wan heart and sacrifices Wu to work properly, then again feed old snake!"
The Gu Ren Lu put to put a hand, way:"The Meng gets, you said to be got hold of you by me to necessarily admire sincerely this time last time, you were again bound this time Zong-zi, also have to what rubbish say?"
The Meng gets a way:"Defy!You spoil Related articles:

