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Voice Hou, then toward him to answer a way with the novella tone:"Can't you use a brain?Don't sign signature can't know is who send of news?
Only from send letter of person can guess 12, I don't sign signature be for doing not want to leave any hold on the his hand.
By that time if grant force that boy take this letter comes out to when they see it is what I write to can not insist, either, because of top don't sign signature at all.
But we as long as determinedly deny like, however I believe to grant force that boy that hasing no that Mo is stupid, meeting because this small matter have to offense Wu I, otherwise he not enough space be second especially the orchid lift the emperor of Si"
Hear once prosperous this Mo of Su say, Su's diagram hurriedly gathers together interest ground to say:"He the words of not enough space, that is who just enough?Hey Hey Hey"the words finish, Su's diagram towarded Su's south to make an expression of eyes right away.
Su's south also orders right away at this time and understand that the ground answers a way:"Certainly is father's adult!Talk about resume, father's adult but thin Er king get the left and right hands of dint most and grant force that boy does the still not enough space help the father the adult to lift shoes!"
"Ha ha~~these words we said by ourselves good, can supplementary biography go out to know?"Although Su is prosperous to is very happy that they praise their they thus, however still keeps using to remind that tone towards them to say.
And 2 people also the vigilance ground answer a way right away:"Father's adult stops worrying, we can have no that Mo stupid, ask for trouble!"
The words Hou that hears 2 people, Su fills an idea to combine to smile a location to nod, at this time in his heart, although have already had a project to this matter, only still not when the time comes, can not make them know in advance, because of this will the bad matter BE.

The tenth gathers chapter 4
Renew time:2008-11-515:53:19 chapter word numbers:4161

Chapter 4(a
Few days Hou, grant the force receives the airtight letter that comes from Su's house, be finish seeing Hou, right away and over Yan Zhen company quantity exactly how handle.
Finished Yan Zhen to also reading the letter at this time and hand over a time to grant a martial hand up, counter-question a way:"This matter how do you see,cheap beats by dre?"
Grant at this time that the force thought first for a while, however the Hou answers a way:"The matter that occurrence will take place sooner or later and only have never thought of the Mo quickly just, also good, province we still need to spend a per of time solution, now round up all at one fell swoop them at a time!"
However finish Yan Zhen toward to grant that Wu Yong reminds that tone says at the moment:"Grant force,do not you doubt the source and purpose of this letter?
To know that the nobilities wanting to do this kind of matter must be very concealed if isn't a special identity person, impossibly will know just to, so I guess this person to be aristocratic member.
And should also be someone between the nobility hope of person, this matter now that to they such importance, how again may the Mo reveal this news to us?This is really too not reasonable!"
Hear her once this Mo say and grant that the force also thoughts of not in the right place among them, however he is still surprisingly, exactly is who meeting that Mo"good heart" send secret message to them.
Thought of here, grant that the force finishes towarding the hands of Yan Zhen one stand combine Song shrug, however the Hou answers a way with helpless look:"My true surprisingly, exactly will be who deliver, this letter send to°from a mailman of commonness an imperial palace, so I also not know from which the place deliver"
"Common mailman?"Finished Yan Zhen to by hand pay chin to consider a short moment Hou at this time, said:"Probably we can be anti- to check to return to, perhaps can find out some clues also uncertain"
Immediately after turn the bodyguard whom the head towards an outside to shout a way:"Bearer!Go to and give° that mailman me to block back!"
At the bodyguard once received orders Hou in a little while, took a person who is dressed in mailman dress to walk to come in, immediately after lower the head a report way to the over Yan Zhen arch hand:"Report empress' his highness, you want of the person have already brought!"
Finish Yan Zhen to toward a bodyguard to put to signal hint to leave Hou at this time, turn head to grant that the force took letter, however the Hou towards mailman to ask a way:"Which is this letter ?"
Is common as a mailman at this time which organic meet the lord of one country, so when be brought in a grounds of at the same time, already the legs constantly shiver.
But the over Yan Zhen take again he brings of letter once this Mo ask and frighten on the spot of legs a soft knelt down to combine complete prostration answer a way:"Empress' his highness, the grass people's offense should ten thousand die!"
See this situation, the over Yan Zhen knows that this mailman mistakes that oneself made Shi Mo is wrong would be brought back, so by hand start to hand mailman to combine soft voice ground to ask a way:"You trust, I just want to know this letter is which come of just"
The words Hou that hears over Yan Zhen, mailman at see her facial expression really isn't like to decline offense Wu he, so a little bit calmed down Hou, the quivering voice ground answers a way:"Report …..Palace ….Next ….That ….."
"Unimportant piece, slowly spoke to don't relate to" finishes the Yan Zhen smile ground to toward mailman to say at this time.
"Yes empress' his highness, this letter is a grass people from show off what the bad building of the city in day get hold of, so the grass people doesn't know this letter source as well is which, because grass people just at bad building be the mailman send letter just ………"
The words finish and grant force finish towarding Yan Zhen to say:"Saw to clues and broke"
The "this can be not definitely" however Hou over Yan Zhen flicks to want a bodyguard to send to mailman to walk Hou and immediately after says:"Only know which came out and then went"
"Which did you come out and then go?Is this the meaning of Shi Mo?"Grant the force doesn't understand that the ground asks.
Finish positive color ground of Yan Zhen to answer a way at this time:"This truth is easy, because of musting show off the nobility of the city in day to deliver"
"Do you judge by Shi Mo?"
"Because the nobility wants party to protest against this matter to since know of the persons are few, that only oneself is an aristocratic talented person to probably give° this secret to spill out.
See to there is nobility in, someone wants with this matter and tries to please us also perhaps, and this person definitely still shows off the nobility of the city in day"the over Yan Zhen analytically says.
"This is just guess?If he is to show off the nobility of the city in day, should be not stupid to arrive to deliver this letter from own location?Isn't he afraid to be known Hou by other nobilities, loses ground?"Grant the Wu Yong's doubt ground tone asks a way.
Finish Yan Zhen to hear grant martial words Hou at this time, shake to answer a way:"This is the place that you don't understand, because if that nobility has stupid that Mo, is not likely to don't dare to give° this news to let out as well, so I just judge this nobility to be a guy of cleverness, and you see"
Immediately after open that airtight letter to toward to grant that the force continues to say:"The noodles don't sign signature at all here, is also say, this nobility's pretty much hasing confidence us will definitely believe him.
The airtight letter done not sign signature, usually the credibility is low and fraud mostly, however these still doesn't calculate Shi Mo, is a big ground of La La to directly want mailman to deliver because the way that he not just uses a secret delivers, only this idea isn't what ordinary people own, so do you understand?"
After the explanation Hou of over Yan Zhen, grant that the force just suddenly realize says:"Oh!BE so, the Zhen a son is still your cleverness"immediately after finish towarding Yan Zhen to stick out a thumb to mean to admire.
"First don't Kua I, still come first to want in the city of showing off the day exactly is which nobility want to send goodwill gestures to us to is a point"
"This is still remarkable, my father that has a whole country nobility of list, only bring over here to don't know all of a sudden?"Have never finished waiting Yan Zhen to answer, grant the force hands over a bodyguard who need to be an outside to left for to take to take this data.
In a little while, the last officer guarded achievement to take this list to come over in person, because he knows that this must be a small matter, probably he can in this aspect to order a suggestion also not necessarily.
When the top officer guards arrive and hold to back or so Hou, with grant force, over Yan Zhen 3 people sit down to discuss.
Chapter 4(two
BE finishing listenning to grant that the turning of force says, the last officer guards a little bit contemplated in a short while Hou, say:"Listen to once your this Mo say and see to match the conditional, I pour several individuals to choose.
However I feel to probably is a prosperous duke of Su most , because of Related articles:

