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) relationresult! A loud ,Zhao Chen pat the palm of the hand, excitedly said: too good to be true ,if the civil unrest, only this time the South will not fight ,my song can also managed to recover one and cutting, the central plains .
, relationresultHe thenon Yang Yandao : ,immediately ordered all the staff side division personnel ,by all means, but also to instigate the civil strife, the sooner the better ,and the movement of the bigger the better .
When necessary, Kata Ji personnel can be involved, and even my song to provide them with support ,also can . , relationresultThe originallight diffracted from back the report, said in all gold of a group of veteran ,royal ,aristocratic ,not satisfied with Wanyan long rule ,in the dark, aggregation of planning ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,looking for an opportunity to pull Wanyan length .
This southward invasion ,Wanyan Long expedition ,is a good opportunity ,they may take action .And asked the court, Kata Ji should be how to deal with this matter .relationresultReportto Yang Yan ,Yang Yan immediately went into the palace ,the news to Zhao .
relationresultAlthough Zhao Chenby resolution and gold army to wage a life-and-death struggle ,but to say no to worry about ,it is impossible .After all the opponents can no longer Dali ,Xixia ilk ,but more than 50 years ,it has been a great song a disease in our very vitals Jin ,its potential is big, the soldier potential ,population is numerous, still in the song ,it is good with ?This time dare to attack the initiative ,song ,is naturally made extensive preparations .
But the song is still some lack of confidence, after all charges after the regime has not fully recovered .relationresultAndnow Zhao Chen is not initially just succeeded to the throne when the lad ,only with a dash ,you can go all lengths .
With the growth of age ,Artist Series,the increasingly rich experience ,there will be from multiple perspective ,in order to get the best solution .At the same time ,though Zhao Chen didn kiss on the battlefield, but the song Fuguo after several wars ,he knows very Qing Chu ,well aware of his danger and uncertainty .
relationresultAlthough thesong now have Yang Yan this pillar to support ,but this time of the golden army chief Wanyan long is also a contemporary famous ,even Yang Yan also expressed in Wanyan long military ability respect, frankly told him no certainty to win ,so Zhao Chen was in the house but speak in excitement emotion ,back to the Palace ,to also could not help but be very upset .
This battle song can resist ?If the enemy but the Jin army, is the Jin army fought the enemy approached the walls. ,Yangtze River ,it can do ,whether they will learn that the emperor emperor Hsiao Tsung ,death to death ,also called ?relationresultWhileZhao Chen is when make blind and disorderly conjectures ,a Chamberlain to quote: Yang for Yanjin palace ,Zhao Chen knows is necessarily important things happen ,so immediately decreed sent .
relationresultAfter theemperor bowed ,Yang Yan immediately handed over the staff side division returned light distribution report .Zhao Chen read, can not help but be overjoyed .Guo Jun expedition in the coup ,Asanai Quanchen duo ,this kind of thing in the Jin but very traditional .
In the end Batony Yan Yong is the use person of the Southern Song Dynasty time ,launched a rebellion in both and ,as a result of South invade the Jin army defeat, Batony was also a confused army killed .
But after Long Yan to superior, also utilizing the Emperor Yan Xia finished Yungong expedition ,the empty ,only successful mutiny .Now ,after this time is to repeat the same mistake .
relationresultThesong ,it was like the pie fall from the sky ,what Zhao Chen does not like ?relationresultBut Yang Yansaid: Your Majesty ,the internal instability, admittedly delectable ,but not enough to hold .
In order to save the large to the half of the country ,or to rely on our own ability .But the strife will occur, nor the staff department activities ,but in my song resistance strength .
, relationresultOh.Zhao Chen also from ecstasy to calm down ,Ji said: first half I was then brother-in-law to understand ,but the second half of words I was confused ,why the civil strife, but in my song resistance ? , relationresultYang Yandao: if the Jin Army South invade successfully ,siege and ,winning ,then the Wanyan long in domestic will prestige increased, even if someone wants to rebellion ,may not be successful ,as Ren rebellion ,and overall situation to be of little flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum ,cheap dr dre beats.
Conversely ,if the attack is thwarted, Wanyan long will Wilson fell ,people deviate from, even if they have no tag ,then probably what the .Therefore, the inside is a rebellion ,in the battle, but not in all .
Embattle things, never let down . , relationresultZhao Chensink in for a while, then nodded ,said: or brother-in-law look well, that is I put this matter too simple .That rule and Yan Yungong really are also in the expedition after this setback ,the only domestic of rebellion .
While Shi Miyuan and Ren launched a rebellion ,but in my song of victory, although can temporarily is ,but what the heart is not attached ,so eventually ended in failure .But after the southward invasion ,but also come with evil intent ,not brother-in-law thinks how is the game ? , relationresultYang Yandao: Your Majesty is assured ,don back the past potential ferocity ,but to attack the generation of Shou and others .
Its purpose is to take in and oneself ,will not cross the river . She put the Privy Council to discuss the Golden Army size and strategic goal to Zhao Chen said again .Then again: so I song must strengthen to the troops ,Jiangbei ,and gold army to hold ,not eager to attack ,to spend time, the more adverse to the golden army .
( ) as long as the first to hold off the Jin army momentum ,and then let the people in all activities of the minister ,inciting rebellion .Only the internal chaos ,the army will withdraw .
Then we can follow up a victory with hot pursuit ,homeopathy to recover the central plains . , relationresultHear the goldenarmy this time not crossing ,Zhao Chen can not help but to feel at ease ,and later to the Yang Yan analysis, Zhao Chen was completely relieved, smiled and said: it seems the brother-in-law is really have ready plans to meet a situation ,the song ZTE plans ,all in his shoulders .
, relationresultAlthoughnot officially announced ,but the song ,really only by Yang Yan led to against the Jin army, this is who also won .Zhao Chen therefore say that now ,also does not have .
relationresultYang Yanheard ,immediately Baifu on ,said: Your Majesty at ease ,his will when strain every nerve ,fight for this country .It is this against the opponent is different from the usual outcome ,and therefore ,may be repeated to pull away ,his Majesty in the cut is not eager to win, in a moment of victory and despise the Jin army, hoping to accomplish the whole task at one stroke .
Do not for one small losses be confound at ,loss of confidence . , relationresultZhao Chen nodded,said: please rest assured ,I try to do before the army of a brother-in-law ,all arrangements ,all from the brother-in-law master, I never came from the imperial .
, relationresult�� ���Song Xiang to support the original starting to support genuine �� ���relationresultThree days later,after the Privy Council ,board ,the three department consult together ,finally developed a detailed defense plan .
relationresultTwelvethe Royal garrison stick to his own defense ,road ,Victoria Road ,by Bi control ,Lee State Road by Meng Zongzheng control ,Huai East ,Huai West still divided by Cao Xun and the high earthquake control .
And all the theater by the Yang Yan unified control .But in fact ,the song of the whole sector is divided into three blocks ,Bi responsible Yong cool and Hanzhoung line ,Meng Zong Zheng and responsible for the line ,Yang Yan Jing Lake responsible and Jianghuai line .
Of course, in the name of ,all by Yang Yanlai unified deployment .relationresultWhile theload condition .By the competent bodyguard Ma Department official Chen Min ,Ma Jun division Zhongrui Related articles:

