
http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu to them Rounded


The Die joss-stick dumbstruckly looking at, she didn't about and never once see edible like this of person.

Coming out door is outside a repeatedly palatial type building, all is construct with the wood structure, seem to be some coarsenesses, but have many green plants, and a great deal of fresh flowers embellishes in the interval.The in the mind surprise of Lin Qi Yu not is already, the building here is very unusual, completely is the style in remote antiquity.

He wishes:"Do these people when arrive at here?Is ancient times of emigrant ……not to, if ancient times come of emigrant, why have no record on the federal star area diagram?And see from the language, with them communicate to have no a problem the slightest, this isn't a mode that the closing develops."Hardly see a person all the way, occasionally meet an is also in a hurry but go.Observe according to Lin Qi Yu's along the road, he discovers the plant with many activities and be like bodyguard general, just don't know Die joss-stick use what way, just make those plants see if didn't see, didn't start an attack to them.

Rounded a very heavy turn son, once wore one square, Lin Qi Yu discovered to have already left palatial buildings, he cannot help but asking a way:"E ……Die joss-stick, we go where?"The Die joss-stick says with smile:"Go to forest, the empress hardly lives in the big palace, Xi Xi, greatly parts of time all live in Lin Zi."Along the forest path goes straight up, after about ten minutes,http://feeds.feedburner.com/yQUu, see dime eaves.Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"Is there?"He by hand points at.

The Die joss-stick nods language not, speed a step.Walked again minute tenth, , finally before arriving at a building.

This is also a wood quality building, the doorway stands two beautiful girls.Lin Qi Yu suddenly discovers that up to now, he hasn't seen a male's native of the place, in the mind not from must have some oddness.

The Die joss-stick comes forward to smile happily ground to say:"Elder sister, the person brought, the empress was in the room!"One among the girls orders and wave hand way:"Die joss-stick takes him to go in!Empress already wait for a long time."

The empress is an old woman person, wear a simple pale green color long skirt, spend white hair up put a wood Zan, have a liking for Ci eyebrow kind purpose, be like an old grandmother who makes amiable.

Lin Qi Yu a see to see sit at the empress nearby of fairy Ling, but cold diagram and the east none of breeze at.He the surprise ground call a way:"Kid sister, you ……O.K.!"He seems to be some to sink not to live spirit.

The fairy Ling is his biggest weakness, this weakness is once controling in the other people's hand, willing make him having scruples about very much.

The empress is tiny tiny a say with smile:"Young man, need not worry, fairy Ling the young girl is lovely ……come, sit to here."She points at nearby of the chair say.

The fairy Ling peeps out one silk helpless wry smile.

Lin Qi Yu walks to her in front in quick time and asks a way:"Kid sister ……" he stretches hand the shoulder of handing the fairy Ling.

Have never waited he to continue to keep on saying, the Die joss-stick says in a side:"Please sit down."Lin Qi Yu feels that the blood is upward blunt, the facial expression becomes difficult to look, he soon pressed not to live quick temper.

Fairy Ling small track:"Elder brother, I am all right."Lin Qi Yu gradually calms down, knowing by this time and recklessly not only useless, also will make everyone sink into passive.He swept one eye empress and Die joss-stick, a the speech don't deliver of sit to flank of in the chair, quiet quiet wait for empress hair words.

The empress stays calm and collecteds the ground looking at Lin Qi Yu, from the her eyes in can not tell one silk ferocious mien.She says with smile:"Young man, you call Lin Qi Yu is be not?Ha ha, welcome you to the Qian star, moreover, you also need not angry, blockade life energy of Die joss-stick I will teach you how to untie, after all you are outside comers, the hand inside has big power weapon again, we also fear occurrence misunderstanding."Lin Qi Yu's in the mind cans not help a bit ashamed, cautiously return to give it a bit of thought, both parties really is a little bit misunderstanding.Vibrate of explode to ring is protection, is the normal reaction of that big tree, but they think that the temple lord that is artificial, and spend a temple also had no to truely once attackstone oneself.His air mollifies down and says:"Is sorry, is that we misunderstood."The empress seems to be really and is satisfied with the attitude of Lin Qi Yu, she says with smile:"Is very good, young man, do you arrive Qian star to have what plan?"Lin Qi Yu says:"I is come to look for accommodation of resist to drive and resist Dou."The empress twists a way:"Fairy son, if your grandpa knows that you take a person to run to here ……alas, your this kid, don't understand anything to dare to take a person to come over."The fairy Ling facial expression is pale, she lowers the head to move back and forth dress Jin, soft-voiced way:"Empress, you not is promise don't say?"Lin Qi Yu's one Zheng, the fairy Ling unexpectedly knows the person here.He doesn't understand that the ground asks a way:"Kid sister, do you know an empress?"He more and more gets mixed up condition.

The fairy Ling point nods, soft-voiced way:"Is awake to just know ……sorry."Lin Qi Yu shakes head a way:"Kid sister, have no sorry of."He doesn't really understand fairy Ling why want apology, the in the mind can not help producing one silk worry in uncertainty.

The empress says:"The fairy son wants to resume life energy, sound son, take your elder sister to take a rest."The fairy Ling station is started, small track:"Elder brother, waits in a short while again see."Is an and the Die joss-stick dress up just about of the girl hand her backward noodles to walk.

Follow with eyes after fairy Ling leave, Lin Qi Yu sinks a track:"Empress, has what rubbish please say."The empress says with smile:"Your pouring is very skillful and stop worrying!I am old with the grandpa of fairy Ling, can't to she disadvantageous."She first cancel Lin Qi Yu's worry, this just immediately after say:"Do you understand to the Qian star?"Lin Qi Yu shakes head a way:"Do not understand ……" he feels that what he has no to want to conceal.

The empress sighed tone and said:"Qian Xing declares life and death two heavy sky of, do you know?"Life and death two weigh the name of sky Lin Qi Yu have already known, but he doesn't know to contain an idea among them, he shakes to looking at an empress.

"Life and death two heavy sky of …… our current positions is livinging a sky, this is heavy sky of animate, there is a great deal of life body, mainly regard plant as principle, also have a heavy sky is in the underneath ……" Lin Qi Yu in astonishment interrupts her words head:"Underneath?There is also 1 F ……what a guy, that Qian star not is have 3 F?""Right, the 3 F is the place that produces to resist to drive and resist Dou most top-classly, however, is unusually dangerous there."The empress is wearing a smile to looking at Lin Qi Yu, seem is saying"

You don't know that the anything dares to also come here".

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind is tiny tiny on moving, ask a way:"Underneath someone?"The empress lightly clapped arm-rest, the in the mind secretly admired Lin Qi Yu's way of thinking clear.She says:

"Is someone, similar to us ……but again different person, they can not come up, we can not is next to go."Lin Qi Yu has a little not understand, cross-examine a way:"What mean?"The empress sighs a way:"The very difficult explanation is clear, that was the far affair for a long time, you had a detection ……are we all woman here?"Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"Why to is all woman?"The empress says:"Here, the man's life energy will atrophy and endanger life gradually, only at underneath 1 F just can resume, but instauration after, they any further up don't come, camed up and then meant to die ……and woman also can not next go, descend go to and equally will also die.

"This is the Qian star life and death two weigh the cause in sky, is also the fast knot of Qian star, so the place being the person who owns life energy to avoid as taboo most here."She still has a words don't say, if is a clean woman of Fu sky to arrive at here, have to take a men, and must be the most close person, for example father female, mother and child, brother and sister and husband and wife or lover, this is the Qian astral balance theory.

Although Lin Qi Yu still not too understands an empress, he clear up 1:00, that is oneself to sink into a strange turn, if leave here, oneself may have no a life very much, have to arrive next just can protect a life, but bottom go to empress don't come any further.Result like this he can not accept, he asks a way:"What way can untie this fast knot?"The empress says:"You have to want to the underneath 1 F ……" the surprised way of Lin Qi Yu:"Why?Why to keep on wanting?"The empress lightly says:"For the sake of the fairy Ling and your own life, you have to be next to go."Looking at Lin Qi Yu doesn't understand of vision, she explains a way:"You and fairy Ling is inhale Die joss-stick at the same time, therefore, you two establishments rise a life contact, only you go to then the bottom layer can automatically untie the Die of blockading the life energy joss-stick, the fairy Ling will untie because you untie ……

"Also calculate you to control breath, if is to come down alone, in spite of is you or fairy Ling, life energy forever all not ability

