
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj face such as frost

Many people in the hall on both sides and den ,teahouse .relationresultPerhapslight a life Cui Xia characters are clear in the surrounding the alert was enhanced in the former is standing sixteen waterfalls vegetarian two generation disciple of a God with the foot sword blue outfit dress .
relationresultJustto the hall door Ding saw Ji snow geese and several female students gathered in a bower says see Ding her face was not hide joy .But due to the surrounding irrelevant too many people had to quietly towards the Ding cast glance Ding Yuan smile nods .
relationresultEven though Ding Yuan is justin her head slightly but Ji Xueyan face flush to turn back and side of the female students laughing at others hide never imagined .relationresultMaster and apprentice two peoplestepped into the hall inside the simple elegance white hang on the walls of many famous paintings show their interesting records .
relationresultCui Xiasix cents five other fruit are all here .Light a reality centered and sit light of wrath and Luo and around .Ji Bietian sitting in the light and side light side is anger angry teacher whispered something .
relationresultLightmade reality with Ding Yuan and one one others are all welcome you to light angry teacher there the old Taoist but Sen cold eyes on Ding Yuan looked up and down .
Ding Yuan had to stand there in her look uncomfortable .Ding Yuan was being whispered warning light ,suddenly from heart whisk away unexpectedly called teacher is not playing in his chest to hit .
relationresultDing Yuanbe startled at he know the old aunt work deep should not be hard ground is preparing to flowers around willow dodge backoff mind but lightning thought: not good !Others even if the Ji Bietian for what do not see wearing flowers around willow body rationale of law that is not implicated in the snow ? , relationresultPale,pointed out how fast and how let him so sad to have to dodge her chest is too late .
Ding Yuan felt a soft body can to come back to fall off .The chest is not strange how little feel tingling pain .relationresultLuckily heact as circumstances dictate the Dantian a true straight waist body in the air a bomb in one more settled it didn make a fool of yourself in public .
relationresultDing Yuanstopped then angrily: old Taoist what do you want ? , relationresultLightlanguage reality a pushed his shoulder heavy track: don she is your shades . , relationresultPale,pointed face such as frost cold shot at Ding Yuan but did not speak .
Ding Yuan sing the sound head on her .relationresultLighta reality mild : pale words please be seated . , relationresultLightmade reality in Luo and side seating d know nothing here for his seat in fact hall only six chairs .
Then stood in the old monk behind not glared at Eau ,teacher .The old Taoist saw only when not .relationresultDai XiaotongEau made reality in tea pigment from Qing in pale ,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj,broom brow gently shrugged : first is three brother you this close disciples practice really oh oh .
, relationresultThis sentenceis heard a word says instead of hidden wisdom .A word is no real like sipping tea .relationresultLuoand hear one of the smell of gunpowder to frown slightly : sister but three years so it too early .
, relationresultBietianshook his head and said: four brother that is biased to know exactly where we have several three years ?If you continue to be so I m afraid there -- before he could say it but who knows here is necessarily will lose in the Soviet Union hands who is not good .
.relationresultLightangry reality looked pale words asked : three why didn , relationresultLightis still hanging real human head with clear abnormal voice said: he did ! , relationresultThat Ji Bietian hey hey laugh : this is probably the only one party is willing three brother her idea ?The D division nephew Jia Zi hide a pure true after six of us wash pith and three years down even one entry of more than 10 years of three or four generation disciple did not win .
This just all have seen you say a word will be given . , relationresultDing Yuanlistened to a few old Taoist Shishu sb to condemn both in speech and in writing seems to feel quite satisfied with the entry of slow .
But he had some doubts about these irrelevant to their old why such a common disciples so concerned about ?Because he was eating shit gold by what Liuhe Huichun law ?Although he sometimes also dissatisfied with the old monk eccentric difficult to meet these people had a face like a creditor .
Now no matter what the pecking order big channel: what your old Taoist blamed him like this ?How I become concern of yours ?You teach disciples also may not is my better ! , relationresultLight,said : all too low bastard here which you speak? , relationresultDing Yuan coldlyglared at her just to refute the pale words reality back heavy track: argue ! , relationresultLighta real whisk a pendulum and chanting : no ,-- his voice is not high but like the morning bell and evening drum -- reminders is soft and gentle in each person shock .
relationresultLighta reality and looking at the way : ding ding nephew, you don .No one to blame you and say you light .But we are concerned about your work on your entry has a lot of expectations .
, relationresultDing Yuan Wenyannose hum the sound track: no I a deadwood fear can not afford you happy teacher . , relationresultLight,three years before his teacher didn say this kid remember today have in his own eye rake up the past at a flash of cold light will eventually not open yet with a sneer .
relationresultLighta person can : what is what Liang Ji wood ?Thousands of miles of horse how to 100 feet away and false determinism ? , relationresultLightlanguage reality first looked up at a glance and deeply all but light a reality is also smiling eyes is full of wisdom and to know the worldly affairs .
relationresultThe first second partsCui Xia immortal love seventeenth chapter on Micro , relationresultThe novelBus update: 2010-7-31 16:08:59 chapter number :8427 , relationresultThe first second partsCui Xia immortal love seventeenth chapter on Micro , relationresultThe sun is three poles high.
Heaven worshiping ceremony in Grand light a reality was held under the auspices of .Thousands of Cui Xia sent his disciples gathered in Feibao vegetarian after Baizhang Ping respectively according to the branch of fan-shaped orderly rise from afar six-color Jinyi phantom is truly spectacular sea .
relationresultBy contrast,raw and Annubar this one of the most cold planing to make old Taoist just stood under so two people even number was less refined pale ,pointed door also has more than twenty .
Ding Yuan listened to a mention early old Taoist door and several disciples recent is a prime .But these people or already died or long no see .Now Zizhuxuan was only the master and apprentice three people .
relationresultDingoriginal heart in Bush for Ji snow geese .Unfortunately ,separated by a waterfall Zhai student silhouette people where also see ?relationresultLunar Januaryfifteen is the day Lantern Festival for Cui Xia Lu sent it is another layer of meaning :the legendary Cui Xia pioneer grandmaster Qingxia reality is in the day birthday therefore Cui Xia sent from the second leader of virtual reality day will Cui Xia Jian is set at the start .
relationresultThe swordwill is the main content of each branch of the art industry competition disciple .Due to the four generations under the door more than 1000 therefore to have disciples according to seniority in the family is divided into several groups and then by the elders and draw lots to decide each team .
relationresultOn threesword will have comprehensive achievements can be used as the reference in the selection of competition from dozens of seed master skip team competition into the elimination round .
A no to Cui Xia send old had never participated in the sword will have so this was in the no group C with the group of five others are other branches without generation disciple .
relationresultIf thevolume can be lucky to win group leaders can enter without generation before thirty-two and sixteen master of seeds for each contestant wins pushed into the quarter-finals last winner .

